As we continue to move through the COVID-19 pandemic, the congregations in Valhalla Parish seek to keep ourselves and each other safe whenever gathering in person.
As reiterated by the Rev. Michael Garner (MSc, MDiv), health advisor to the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, COVID is an airborne virus whose current variants are primarily transmitted through aerosols and droplets (i.e. breathing, singing, speaking).
As a Christian community, it is our moral responsibility and our joy to consider the ways in which our various practices can (even inadvertently) impact one another. As members of the Body of Christ, Jesus invites us to love our neighbours as ourselves, seeking the well-being and thriving of all who we encounter.
As we consider our collective responsibility to one another, we ought—like Jesus—to centre the needs of the most vulnerable, especially those who are immunocompromised, those unable to be vaccinated, and those in other high-risk groups.
Our commitment to loving our neighbours also includes members of our communities who—for whatever reason—are unable to wear a face covering for prolonged periods of time.
With this in mind, Valhalla Parish is taking the following precautions as a way of caring for the most vulnerable in our community while also providing some leeway within these guidelines.