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Dear Friends in Valhalla Parish—

As the days shorten and the cool air returns, I write to you grateful the the ministry we share with one another. These past weeks I have been struck with the privilege it is to be a community following in the way of Jesus in this time and place. This isn't to say, of course, that things are always easy. I have found COVID difficult in many ways, and this summer's fire season was particularly straining. 

Last week, some members of the parish community gathered together online to participate in the Surprised by the Spirit gathering, an initiative of the Anglican Church of Canada. Surprised by the Spirit provides an opportunity to reflect on all that has been, and to look ahead to what God is calling us into. For indeed, God remains at work in this world, even in the midst of the difficulties we face as individuals, as a community, and as a human family. 

We spent time together reflecting on the year, and also looking ahead. In the midst of our conversation, a number of questions arose: 

  • What does the future look like for the Anglican Church? 
  • What might the future look like for our congregation? 
  • Are there people in our community who are being left behind, who are disconnected?
  • When we get through this, will people come back? What will be different? What will be the same?
  • How are we caring for one another through this time? How can we be messengers of hope in this time and place?

These days I find that we are living many questions.

I am not always one who likes uncertainty. I like to plan ahead, to know what's coming next. When I have a meeting, I like to arrive early, to go for a walk around the neighbourhood, to get my bearings. In this time, with a public health reality that changes weekly, it is hard to know which end is up. It is hard to plan ahead. The very nature of this changing reality offers a call to live in the moment. To find goodness and the way to God in what is before us. Not to wait for some distant shore, but to embrace Goodness and Mercy in the present. 

While there are many things we don't know, there are others we do. Looking ahead to September, I'm looking forward to gathering with you all, in person, for worship. On September 5th and 19th we will gather at St. David's. On September 12th, we will gather at St. Stephen's. May we, as we enter into these autumn days, find time to lean into our questions together. To share our hopes and dreams. To be surprised by each other, and to be surprised by Holy Spirit as we pay attention to her movement in our midst.

Every Blessing, 

Andrew Stephens-Rennie
Valhalla Parish Missioner