May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be acceptable to you Holy One, our Hope and our trusted source of Love.
Trust in the Divine brings Hope.
If you are following the news at all it seems very difficult to have hope. The reading this morning from Jeremiah and Psalm 1 really contain the theme of Trust. All of the readings emphasize Trust…trust that God has not abandoned us, even when it is difficult to see God at work in the world through all the anguish that is happening. Where is it all heading. The enormity of it all seems so overwhelming.
We need to trust that even the small things we do have an effect. If we all continue to do the small things to make our world better, to make the world better for others, it will not be in vain. We can be a pocket of Love and Caring right where we live. And we need to remember that there are others doing the same thing. Trust that God sees this and encourages us to keep going, keep doing, keep trusting, keep trusting that what we are doing will make a difference. Never under estimate the little things. The other day I read something that reminded me about this.
You may think that you are completely insignificant in this world. But someone drinks coffee from the favorite cup that you gave them. Someone heard a song on the radio that reminded them of you. Someone read the book that you recommended, and plunged headfirst into it. Someone smiled after a hard day of work, because they remembered the joke that you told them today. Someone loves themselves a little bit more, because you gave them a compliment. Never think that you have no influence whatsoever. Your touch, word and good deed which you leave behind cannot be erased.
In each of the little things we do, we can trust that the Risen Christ walks beside us and gives us the strength to keep going. Keep doing the little things, and they will add up and encourage others to do the same.
Faith, which is trust, Hope and Love…the three things given to us by God. Look for what is being done with Love in the world. If it is not being done with Love it is not from God. Be a voice for that Love…point it out…repeat the stories, give the example of Love working in the world. Also point out what is not being done with Love…don’t let it hide in the dark. But don’t let it overwhelm you…trust and hope…and love.
Last week, someone posted on line a prayer to say before you read the news, and I have been trying to say it every day.
My God, the soul you have placed in me is pure and vulnerable. I am afraid that looking at today's news will be painful. Encircle me in a robe of light so that I can witness the wounds of the world without being wounded myself.
Let me learn what I need to know in order to be of my greatest use, without being overwhelmed by despair. I feel your protective light now as I open myself to the world's suffering and the world's joys. Amen
Happy are they who trust in the Lord…Trust, Hope, Love….as we say as a dismissal: Go forth into the world, rejoicing in the Power of the Spirit and I will add, with Trust, Hope and Love.